Cutting out a part of a cylinder

Hello guys.

I am trying to cut out a part of a cylinder while still keeping as much of the circular shape as possible. As you can see in the picture below the edges stick out at odd angles. Is there a easy way to do this or should i simply use more geometry on the cylinder and try to get the result i want “manually”.

And another completely unrelated question. Is there a way to bridge the edges of a solidified alpha mask? the picture below is done using an image as plane with a solidify modifier.

Any advice is very appreciated.


yes, add more geometry.

AFAIK no. Solidify works on geometry, but the alpha mask does not create geometry as it is only a shading trick.

One easy way to do this may be to convert the silhouette to a vector shape e. g. in Inkscape, export that as a SVG and then use the curve tools in Blender to extrude and bevel the shape:

Depends of course on what you intend to do with the object…

Thx guys. That solved both my problems!