CVR-611 Blendswap WIP

I saw a few other threads popping up with vehicles for the blendswap contest and decided to add my own to the list. I am nearly finished with the modelling, then off to texturing and I’m hoping I will have time for rigging, (anyone have any good tuts for rigging tank treads on curves?)
Here’s a few pics. The only part I’m currently concerned about is the missile launcher, I liked the revolver idea in the beginning but it doesn’t seem to blend well with the rest of the model, any suggestions?

that can’t be real
looks good but you’re taking a risk by entering a fantasy vehicle

@Idh1109 I don’t know why this couldn’t be real, there are thing like this already, kinda.

@QS Dragon
I like it so far, I’m not sure what it is, if its the space between the tracks and the body or the lower body styling, but something from a composition point looks off. Maybe if you move the front tracks ahead. I’m just not sure. What about instead of a missile launcher it’s a large Gatling type gun that sticks out beyond the front of the vehicle or something like that. I think with a few tweaks and nice texturing this could be among the top in the land category that I have seen.
Great job.

You’ve got commented, mine thread not :slight_smile: <jealous>

But seriously, nice model - I would presonally lower the center of mass, maybe make tracks wider - As it is now, for me it looks like it’s gona fall on side on bigger bump :slight_smile:

IDH: I read the rules through many times to get a firm grasp on what the contest is for. It is NOT for “real and in service” models, though those are perfectly acceptable. It is instead for “realistic, present near future vehicles” notice there is a category for “Walking Mechs” - aka battletech.

Blendswap/Matthew: First off, nice name :wink: Thanks for the comment, it’s great to hear feedback from those hosting the contest! When I drew out the concept sketch for this I allotted the tracks an extremely large degree of rotation (I think I estimated 50 degrees) so for the final render I could easily drop the overall height down, which would push the wheels further forward and hopefully achieve a more fluid look. I modeled everything at a 45 degree angle because it is much simpler atm.

Venthe: Thanks, Like I said to Matthew above the tracks can actually move up to nearly flat against the lower chassis, but to model them I went with 45 degrees. Once rigged the whole thing will be dropped down to be more flush with the terrain, but it has the ability to pop up and ride over extremely rough terrain (it’s got nearly 5 feet ground clearance!) and the tracks are also extremely wide, just the render makin em look pretty thin (the tracks side by side are almost as wide as the chassis) Thank you for your input though, I’ll definitely remember. Also good luck with your Stryker, it’s looking very good right now and inspired me to run back over my concept to add in paneling and micro detail XD. Good luck in the contest though :wink:

Looks like a good entry. It looks like something that could exist right now. Doesn’t really resemble a fantasy vehicle. As far as the design goes, there might be issues with the weight, wheelbase, and armament.

Finished texturing everything, now off to rigging - something I was never any good at :stuck_out_tongue:
BG stolen from another project I was working on, won’t be apart of final blend entry: sorry.

The modeling looks good so far. I would recommend some of the following tutorials for your “problem areas:”

Keep it up! 10 days left to go…