I’ve always been a big fan of the Blade Runner movies. This image is the character ‘Cyber J’ - a female Blade Runner. I took a photo of my wife and mapped it onto this figure with the help of headshot in CC3, clothing was simulated in Marvelous, some texture help in Substance using UDIMs and the final image was composited, rendered and further textured in Blender - post glow/halo in Photoshop. Hope you like it my friends.
I’m curious what your compositing/postwork workflow was for this image. It has a very beautiful style to it. Some of that is the excellent lighting and composition, but I love the clean, illustrative look you’ve achieved in from compositing or photoshop.
I assume your wife is happy with the image? Looks pretty badass.
Thanks for the comments - this image was done a bit ago and if I remember, I’ll bring them into PS and apply a slight oil painting filter on them and then add a soft glow around the character.