Here is my latest delirious experience with Suzanne.
I just built the head for the moment, but I plan to assemble her body too, and maybe to do a little anim.
Please, tell me what you think of her.
See y@
Here is my latest delirious experience with Suzanne.
I just built the head for the moment, but I plan to assemble her body too, and maybe to do a little anim.
Please, tell me what you think of her.
See y@
ha ha ha, love it… loks really scary. that is one evil prmate
good stuff
build a body
OMG. Is that what happens when you peel back the skin of Suzanne?! All this time I was thinking it was just a harmless monkey!
What I really love the most about this thing is the eyes. They really really are creepy and look a lot like the Terminator eyes. You did a great job on em. Excellent chrome effect too!
This is rocking. I’m a huge admirer of all Suzanne based images and this is one of the best ideas I’ve seen.
Cool! But I’d rise Subsurf, I can see artifacts in EnvMap
Thanks for comments guys.
Hehe, no subsurf used there cause it was destroying the sharp edges (I used a ready made T 800 model that I modified) and no envmap either
I’ll be back
wooooa, nickel serial … :o
very very original
da-dum dum da-dum…
da-dum dum da-dum…
da-dum dum da-dum…
great work man! the monkeynator!
Great job, good idea… rise of the robo monkys…, it would be look cool with body and laser guns…
The upper body has been modified now to look like a monkey but I still need to work hard on the lower part.
[She'sback !](http://www.zoo-logique.org/3D.Blender/galeries_automatiques/index.php?cat=wip&gal=serialsiner&pic=15_Monkey_bodytop_wip.jpg)
I’ll be back and she will too
WOW. Thats all I can say. Its very cool that you can do robotics like that.
Ho please don’t get me wrong, the model is not mine and I wish I could build robotics like that but I just modified a model by Tobor (J.A. Murphy)
Thanks for your comments.
The body is now complete and ready to be rigged (the hardest part). Gonna try to do a little Monkeynator anim maybe with sound (directly in Blender ).
Do you like it ?
Hope I’ll be back soon with small anim …
Ooook! Me likey!
If only you had rendered it with a little more plain background
No, I mean that it would be nice if it was standing on something, with plain balck sky. The details would stand out more. But it is quite snazzy, indeed
Can’t wait to see the animation (but then again, I have to… :()
Thx Jolly Gnome.
You know, that was just a quick render test but I will of course do a background (ground with skulls, projector lights, more smoke, more Monkeys, lasers, maybe explosions …)
You see, lot’s of work has to be done so I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for a while :-?
:o GGGGKK :o
I can hardly stay in my pants!
/me sends speshulbrainwavethingies to Serialsiner so that he can finish the scene faster:
oh wow. i must of missed this when iw as looking through the forums! wow is he going to be like all saying ‘hasta la vista’ and all? lol put on some sunglasses hehehe
On a scale of one to awesome, thats super-great. Thats kind of what i wanted to do for the last weekend challenge but i could get it to work right, so i smashed it.