@Cyborg Dragon, on the point of abstracts:
Alright. While I agree that it is generally harder to get good reviews about abstract art(I have failed completely to get a five star rating, though that may be an issue with my skill level
) Abstract art needs to have a point.
And no, an idea is not a point. While they can be the inspiration of an image, they are not a point.
This image, like a lot of similar ones youve done in the past, Fails to have a point. Visually, its interesting, but pointless.
Id like to say, this is very interesting for me to look at, but it doesnt reach far, because I have nothing to focus on. Abstract is not an excuse to have just a bunch of colors /models placed randomly, and the way you pass of a lot of such images that way is sad,
Ive been on your side thus far, but you are now just trying to pass of such works as ‘abstract’, and its putting a mark on the genre around here.
RobertT recently posted an image called <b>"A Fish out of Water, Out of a Fish"</b> or some such thing, and it would be called abstract. It took a phrase, and played with it visually. What he came up with was an amusing, and visually captivating piece.
Major Points that Made it Succesful:
1 It used a common known phrase, making it more personal with most viewers.
2 It had an amusement factor, which is always enjoyed
3 It was slightly off-kilter, not quite normal, and therefore an abstract take on that old phrase
4 It had beautiful lighting and textures, and great composition.
5 It had a point. The in-focus Fish(thus creating a focus) that were backed up by the name, reinforcing the focus of the image.
Thats what makes a successful piece in general.
It became abstract when he took the Phrase “A Fish out of Water”, and twisted it a bit. Thats about it. It doesnt have to be inconsistant and random to be abstract.
I made an image a while ago called “Chairscape”. It took the basic idea of Chairs, and I created a tiny world out of them. Thats abstract. It wasnt random, the chairs were obviously the focus. The name backed it up. It was pretty successful.
One last thing(that RobertT does, and I guess I do as well, not compare us).
You may want to try spreading out a bit, and trying some other genres. Its fie to be known for one particular style, but if most of your images arent recieved well(and they happen to be in one genre), maybe its time to try something else.
People responded well when you started your more architectural models, but they have stayed at a similar level to eachother.
Its always good to surprise people by doing something new.
Just make sure you do it well.
Peace man, and good luck.