Cyborg head

Downloadable .blend file!!!
Not the version that you can see on this picture, because I want to decrease the file size. So only the head, the cables, and one texture packed into the .blend file)
Do not forget: this is a copyrighted file, you can’t use in commercial projects.

Maybe one of my best picture. :slight_smile:

I don’t know what to say, except that is amazing. Everything in it is superb, the modelling, texturing, and especially the lighting. Love the different coloured eyes too.

Great work! 8)

One word, Wow. :o very realistic, yet with that scifi twist… no crits.
GJ man.

this extraodinary work, the modeling is flawless and the the texturing and lighting is perfect, great job.


%&**#!! wwwWWWOW!! :o

Yup same response. :o …WOW.

I like this picture, nice modelling.
But I think it’s not as good as your previous ones because of the colors. I don’t really like them. Your attention is drawn to the bright colors on the left and right of the picture. It would be good if you could make them a bit more subtle…

yes, hannibar, I am not happy with the lights/colors

I now working on an another version with totally differend background and lights.

Yes, modelling is awesome, but the lighting could be better as you said. The picture is not very easy to look at like this. Also the material of his skin looks a bit odd, too bumpy and not really human. Specularity is way too high for my eye. But maybe this is what you aimed for, how do I know. :slight_smile:

hey, this is a cyborg, it has plastic skin and eyes :wink:

i don’t know what your talking about, the lighting is great, as for the background, now that i think about it, for such a great model you need a great background, i think you should give it some more surroundings, like a lab in the back, or some tubing with liquid some kind of liquid flawing through them…think about it.


to be honest with you, i dont like it.

colours are too whacked out, proportions just dont seem right (all right, you can blame it on the fact its a cyborg, but still), there is no depth to the image (foreground only), no setting, lots of repetetiveness.

on the other hand, great modelling, not bad texturing, a little too much reliance on post processing.

sorry if you dont like what i said, but thats how i see it.

Good job with, well, everything, (the color on the left is a little off).

Superb modelling. I agree about the bright red on the right side of the face. Draws you eye to it right away and detracts from the rest of the image.

Overall, very good though.


reminds me of @ndys wired-pic :stuck_out_tongue: . everything is done very well!

nice modelling… and texturing job is excellent on some parts, especially on the glowing red gadgets… but, like said before here, this picture would benefit a lot with a bit more simpler palette. now, there is too much different colors, and red doesn’t fit in at all…

actually,i think the wireframe picture is better :slight_smile:

your best work still is the mushroom uncle guy… I really, REALLY liked that.


the top of his head reminds me of a ball.
Must’ve been a lot work.

Very nice. Cant really say I see anyhing i’d change about the modeling. But on those needels, they seem to emit too much light, they’re too bright.

But other than that, nice work

I like the colors and style. It reminds me of the work of Liberatore, creator of ‘RANX XEROX’, a sci fi graphic novel that stands among the best imo.

endi, this is just gorgeous. I love those different colored eyes.