Hello, i am new at this, im having a bit of a problem i am using cycle rendering but when i use a image texture it doesnt work, i dont know how to explain sorry, it takes the color but not the texture. i don´t know what i am doing wrong. Sorry for my english i am a native spanish speacker. I am going to upload a image so you can see.
You’re viewing it using Material shading, try in Rendered or Texture shading.
You’ll get different results depending on the Viewport Shading type.
Above image is the same object, from the same angle but with different shading types for the 3D Viewport.
but it looks almost the same in all, i am trying the render shading and you can see no differance. shouldnt be something different?
Have you tried the latest build of Blender?
Are your spheres UV unwrapped?
Did you UV unwrap the sphere?
I have the lastest build of blender the 2.70, how do i UV unwrap the sphere?
I have the lastest build, the 2.70. How do i UV unwrap the sphere?