Cycles and PNG alpha transparency


Just tested a few cycles node setups but none seem to work with my mesh panel png image,
would anybody recommend proven scheme/setup for PNG texture?
Really made an honest www&youtube research but it doesn not work…



If you are using the ‘Import Images as Planes’ Add-on
make sure you tick the ‘Use Alpha’ check box in the ‘Import Options’ panel when you select the image file.

Maybe it used to be on by default; but now it’s off by default and easy to miss.


Seems to work fine here.

Does your object have UV coordinates? That’s the only thing I can think that might cause problems.

Thanx, buddy , Ill check it out immediately.

ALPHA option you mentioned refers to IMAGE AS PLANE in Blender Internal Renderer Mode.
In Cycles it works if: Diffuse and Transparent shader is chosen, but works anyway.


Import image as plane in Cycles work the way Donnell say…

You have to tic use alpha in filebrowser for transparent to work.


If you forget to tic use alpha in the filebrowser, in the material click on the node and in the node properties (N) you can enable use alpha from there.


Yea that’s right…But…If You do not tic alpha in filebrowser… The Trasparent node will not be made in node Editor…And alpha will not work.

If You tic Alpha in the filebrowser… Blender setup the node tree and the alpha should work.
