Cycles Development Updates

Thanks for your response.

Tho, on the other hand, development could be biased toward pro users, since majority of average users, even while having the Path Tracer magic at hand, are totally incapable of producing photo-real imagery. Most of the work still goes into good modeling, texturing, material (shader) creation, lighting and fine tunning… ad post-pro and suddenly fun is gone for the average person – in the end most of invaluable works are made in tedious & long hard-working fashion :wink:

per aspera ad astra

Anyone able to make a windows build, please, do it.
It will be much appreciated. :smiley:


Although cycles is meant to be an animation renderer.
Its frequently used for still images.
And if this effect only distorts with moving lights.
Then give the option a help text, “for still images, and light static scenes”.

Cause if indeed render times can be 20% ~ 10% in some cases then that’s quite a reduction in price for people who pay the bill. (your own electric bill, or renderfarm)

Kinda wonder also if it could be a hint for new combined math the best of both.

I think the best compromise is to have it built in, but it’s only made visible through an addon or an option in the user prefs and have adequate warning about how it will not give accurate results. That way those who are willing to use it can, those who don’want to risk it are warned, and noobs won’t even see it.

This is exactly my experience with such techniques. Hence I am really curious how @LordOdin was successful implementing this in real production. I’ve never been able to get stable or acceptable results with it.

Even with AO you get different lighting with animated objects, but hasn’t stop anyone from using it in production.

That’s a whole different story. AO is stable and produces consistent result. Scrambling on the other hand may produce something completely random each time you adjust even the tiniest thing.

It may for sure as it may with AO. AO is just much easier to grasp and get the handle on :wink:
While SD is much harder to find the sweet spot as is case for SPPM engines. But without getting experience one will really never know.

“Genius can handle chaos.”

I think it should be included in master as experimental feature at least. it’s production proven in Theory, It works.


yes, it IS possible that scrambling distance produces visible artifacts. So what? Just disable the feature then for this scene. Some scenes work really well with it. I really dont see the problem here.

Features which speed up render times at the expense of temporal coherence for still image rendering could be placed under the experimental feature set though.

Want to guarantee temporal coherence - select “supported”

Don’t care because you are rendering stills or are willing to take a risk on an animation - select “experimental”

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Meh. If you’re just rendering stills, speed is an ancillary concern anyway.

Don’t get me wrong, inclusion wouldn’t bother me personally, but you can be sure there would be lots of confusion caused by this. How would you even explain what this does in a manual? Honestly, I’d rather see improvements to the denoiser (such as introducing a temporal element).

I work in a fast paced production environment, and I often render out a series of stills to visually communicate with the client. I move the camera to a different location each frame and then render the ‘animation’. There’s often more than 20 frames in these render sets, and none of those frames are temporally coherent.

Rendering speed is not an ancillary concern, even for rendering stills. I agree that temporal denoising will help a whole lot for many people doing animated scenes. But as was said earlier, not everyone is making animations.


That’s why it can be turned off lol. Setting your bounces to 0 more than likely gives you results you don’t want as well.

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The denoiser is so slow don’t even try it for 8k renders lol

You are the reason we can’t have nice things

Well, it’s probably a little faster than rendering 8k at 10k samples :stuck_out_tongue:

If you are rendering 10k samples you have a problem lol. We get away with 32-256 samples in most of our shots. Denoising made one of our 4k renders go from 16 seconds to over a minute and a half. If you are running highly optimized cycles scenes the denoiser is a huge bottleneck

Keep in mine sometimes we have to do huge frame ranges like 15000 frames or more so adding just 10 seconds per frame Is 41 extra hours of rendertime.

Also a huge part of rendering insanely optimzied cycles scenes is saving images. That crap takes forever. Especially PNG it should be somewhat asynchronous so you can continue with your next frame while PNG takes 40 seconds to save your 8k image at 90% compression on a single thread in the background lol

Oh I agree, I just mentioned 10k because that’s what you’d have to render at to get a similar level of noise to a denoised image. Well, maybe I exaggerated a little. Depends on your scene. :slight_smile:

Really? I was the one who nagged loud enough so that we got proper AO map to create procedural wear and tear with :wink:


I mean. Everyone has nagged about that for years. The default ao shader was useless lol

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