I think the patch is about ready to go to master. From the review thread, it seems to just be waiting for a final sign-off from Sergey (Brecht already ok’d it last weekend) and the actual act of checking it in. I guess the testbuild in this thread wasn’t built with Pascal support?
Just one silly
ob question… can we think about this as some kind of Uber Shader that will be included in Blender master?
Yup, an ubershader named the Principal Shader
Cool! I really missed this in Cycles
wasn’t it “principled”?
Principled shader… Yup
i Downloaded the latest build 2.78.4 from Graphicall, but there are no disney shader in it, di I do something wrong?
but I still don’t get it.
to use Disney’s “Principled” ubershader use the special build available at the link in mentioned post
or build your own blender version
It is not in Master yet.
I know that this shader is not in master, that is in the official BF build. as of 2.78b, but this build that I downloaded at Graphic all has the name “Blender 2.78.4 Cycles disney brdf” so I assume that you would find the shader there, if not I do not understand the point with this build. The build in the link is 2.77 and it has the disney shader as you say.
DLed this one & looksy here:
& a bit of rant…
“WTF? So many security anti-crap all over the web, protecting against own lack of sanity
Yet, worst are those who believe anger is a gift & violence can bring safety”
it must be my age or my ADD that make me don’t see what is right in front of my eyes, maybe the eye is in the way ? would it not be better to call the build Principled.
It’s just too much of everything, thus confusion (spam and junk) blends in - making lack for taste (vision).
Have your better self in peace and enjoy creativity - always fresh & tasty seasonal shakes
From this thread
with build 26e906d of cycles_disney_brdf branch rendering this file from 3dcal I think we got a bug:
render path, then switch to branched (raise AA samples), and render again.
In plain path you’ll see color desaturation in SSS zone, while in branched there’s only base color green as if it is ignoring the SSS color.
Is it already fixed in newer builds? Should I file a bug report?
Comparison required by ‘lsscpp’ in another thread, about SSS in PT vs BPT. Using latest Blender from cycles_disney_brdf branch compiled today.
I am not sure if I have used a similar samples configuration in BPT and PT, so I can not be sure if this can influence the SSS result. BPT using all samples fields = 1 and AA render samples = 1000. PT using render samples = 1000. BPT took about 15 min to render and PT about 6 min:
Used blend file from here (modified to can work with latest principled BSDF)
@lsscpp, On IRC people recommended commenting on the problem in Cycles Disney BRDF differential entry instead of opening a bug report:
Do you have an account and could you comment on the problem there?
Sure, I’ll do it later
@lsscpp, reading your comment in the patch entry, now I understand what you were referring to. Yes, with BPT does not take into account the SSS color.
Yeah, this looks like a bug. I’ll have a look into this the next days and will come back to you with feedback on it as soon as I found out what’s wrong.