Cycles Displacement Weird Edges

Hello Guys,
Wanted to model and texture a simple old looking table today…everything worked fine until it came to the displacement.
As you can see on the screenshot something weird is happening at the edges and creating those strange “bulges”.
As far is found out it could have something to do with the direction in which the normals are facing, but after a many hours trial and error i still don’t know how to fix it or what exactly is causing it.

So i’d really appreciate some help, please.
I also attached the .blend file but without textures, because else it would be too big, hope this also helps with finding the problem.

Attachments (325 KB)

need the textures to help, you don’t use the normal map how you have it plugged into the displacement in the node setup for starters you plug it into the normal inputs for the shaders so plug it in your diffuse and glossy where it says normal it could just be that. need to see what your displacement map looks like really, you have a lot of verts for a simple table top as well and then you have subdivided it again twice more. I would most likely model some specific damage if it’s big and then just use the normal map properly with the nodes for the rest and forget about the displacement. perhaps split the top into separate planks rather than one big one then you can have some little details in between but without seeing a reference to what you want it to look like it’s tricky.

but without seeing the normal and displacement maps you are trying to use it’s hard to tell what’s going on the normals look fine, there are just a lot of them :slight_smile:

Hey there, thanks for your reply
First about the textures…got them from cgtextures so i’m not completely sure but i think i’m not allowed to upload them here but maybe i can create one big image with all of them in smaller sizes, would that help?
And about the huge amount of vertices, i’m not really planning to do anything more with this model, it’s just for practicing. So i think that’s not much of a problem althoug i agree with you that it’s too much.
And about a reference, just trying to do a random old looking table that you can find in any random medieval game.

So about that normal map thingy…i don’t know but i think it works perfect i did that like i saw it in some video tutorials. Maybe it’s just because there aren’t any textures included in the file?

can you show nodes set up here so we can see it
there is displacement but what do find wrong ?
can you show add some red circles where you think it is wrong and why ?

happy bl

So here’s the node setup and a better image showing the crazy displacement and also the displacement map i used.
And i think it’s wrong because there’s that crazy “bulge”…it just looks so distorted.
