Cycles GPU Render / NVIDIA Error Code 3

Hello all,

Does anyone know how to fix a NVIDIA Error Code 3? I GPU render fine, up until the scene starts getting rather large, then when I set the view port to rendered, I get the NVIDIA error code 3. I can remove objects from the scene and it will work go back to working fine. I can also set the full scene to CPU render, and it works, but slow.

My own investigation seems to lead me to changing some register information to fix it, but I really do not want to play around in that area since I do not really know what I am doing.

Comp Specs…
CPU: i4700K
memory: 16 GB
GPY: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 770 4GB

The scene itself is the scene from the book “Blender 2.6 Cycles: Materials and Textures”, it is the one from chapter 5, “Creating underwater environment materials”. I have not deviated from the books text at all, so I am fairly sure that the scene itself is well within a reasonable size.

If anyone could offer any advice, it would be greatly appreciated. The NVIDIA website did not have any real info on the matter that I could find.

Thanks in advance.

Sounds like you are running out of vRAM. When rendering with the GPU, ALL assets (models, textures, BVH, etc.) must be able to fit in the GPUs memory at all times. You must also take into account the vRAM that is taken up by your operating system by default. If you’re hitting your limit, your options are to either switch to CPU, simplify your scene, or use separate GPUs for display and rendering.

Interesting, I would have though 4GB of ram on the GPU would have been plenty. I know most people use cards that are only 2-3 GB of ram. I was actually planning getting a second 770 in the near future.

Thank you for the fast reply.

Hi davincheaney, you should close all other apps/windows, browser can use huge vRAM.
Geometry is not a problem in most cases but big textures are.
You can see the amount of memory if you render on CPU, than you know exactly.

Cheers, mib.

If it’s not the complexity/size of your textures that’s causing the problem, how about the Subsurf levels? Getting too crazy with the subdivisions will easily fill up even the largest VRAM…

Thank you for the replies.

@ Mib2berlin - I did as you suggested, the peak memory usage was 44.30MB. There are a few sizable textures in the scene, but I would think that the card should be able to handle 44.30 MB peak.

@ IkoariShinji- It has several rocks that are subsurfed to level 2 (about 6 rocks of various sizes). It also has a ocean_surface that is subsurfed twice, one to level 4, and again to level 2, but that’s it for the most part. After the first time it crashed Blender, I redid the scene all over, with no deviations from the book whatsoever.

Comp Specs…
CPU: i4700K
memory: 16 GB
GPY: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 770 4GB

I did some further looking (google, and youtube), and some people described the same symptoms that I am having, and they said it was potentially something call “Power Mizer” that NVIDA puts in their cards. Does anyone know anything about that, and does it sound as if that could be my issue as well?

Also, again thank you very much for the replies.

Hm, can you upload the file with packed textures?
I have a GTX 760 4GB and can test it.
May here:

Cheers, mib.

That is the actual error I was getting.

After more searching I found a lot of people had the same problem. At this link…

I found this solution…

Hello King, You will need to backup your registry and then try the following:

  • First, you will need to go to the registry editor: Just go to start and then run, and then type regedit and then press Enter.
  • You will need to go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/GraphicsDrivers. Ensure that GraphicsDrivers is highlighted.
  • And then right click, choose New and then DWORD (32-bit) value.
  • You will need to name it: TdrDelay, and then double click it and Set it to A.


That fixed me right up, everything seems to work fine now.

@ mib2belin - I uploaded the file to the link you posted. It is called “Underater_Redo_01”. It was not until I uploaded the file that I realized I misspelled “Underwater”, sorry about that. I have not used that sight before, so I am not exactly sure if I need to do anything else so you can get it, if I do, and you are interested in seeing it, please let me know.

@ mib2belin - Also, please understand that I am still very new to Blender, and CGI, so that may be reflected in my work. I am trying very hard to learn the proper way to model and texture, and keep everything clean and organized, but some things only come with experience.

AH, tis is the timeout error of Windows driver control, don´t remember it was error 3.
I don´t need the file if all is working now but next time copy complete link from pastall and past here. :slight_smile:

Cheers, mib.