Hi guys, why is the cycles greyed out. even though there are lights n stuff. looking for support.
and I have that weird pink dot in the screen, what am i doing wrong in here.
What are your render settings, try to do check in default!
This is my render settings, There’s a pink dot right, what is that by any chance?
Some random stuff, not a object though
This one after selecting that dot.
the dot is just the origin point of the selected thing is all. and that’s not your render, that’s the viewport, that you see the dot in. it won’t ‘render’ in your final image.
I cant seem to do viewport real time renders, works with cam view but for viewport its not even showing.
Probably best to upload yr file here, there is not enough info in those images to tell whats going on with any of the settings that could be causing this.
Once again, thanks all, I couldnt figure what was really wrong, so I copied all the objects to a fresh file and it works all good now, must be some kinda bug I guess, cos it gryed out suddenly.
Thank you all again!
If it was happening only in the viewport, you might have accidentaly activated the rendering pause feature:
Though, that would be a bit weird, because for me it deactivates itself if I return to solid mode.
Looks like a TINY render region, press CTRL+ALT+B to clear it.
Thank you so much!, This helped! Indeed it was!