Cycles light not hitting direct surfaces

I finished my very first high poly model and when i try to ligh it on cycles, no matter the type of the light I use, I can see the model lit only if I tilt the camera so that the surface is not parallel to the camera.

Here’s the model being properly lit by the light cone.

And here the viewpoint is parallel to the surface directly hit by the light.

I’m just a beginner so I’m most probably misunderstanding something about the shading or the engine.

I already tried flipping the normals and enabling auto smoothing to no effect.

Maybe the fact that it’s fully mettalic, with a base color fully black lead to that situation.

Turn the power up?

Yeah, this is 100% your material. I don’t understand what you were going for here. Just plug your principled shader into the output and don’t have the base color pure black if you dont want it pure black.

Yeah I kinda misuderstood the whole shader-texture logic but now i managed to get back on track and finally run my first render of the thing

Thanks for the help.

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