Cycles NPR

I have not found a topic similar to this on Blenderartists,so forgive me if there is,and direct me to it.

Non-photorealistic (cellshaded or similar) shading styles in cycles

Is this possible? if not,is it planned?

If it is,can you exlude some things from cycles render computations to speed up the rendering process?

How about the famous fireflies? They still seem to be an issue almost only solved by rendering for a very long time.

I have been eyeing cycles for a while now but it still seems inadequate every time I try it out.
It does seem to have baking now which is great,and seems to work well, but there still seem to be a lot of reasons not to go for cycles if you don’t need realism. (speed mainly,but also noise)

Am I wrong in this? What are the things that are missing? What is also already better then BInternal,besides realism (if you let it render for long time)

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You can do a fair amount with cycles toon shaders. See here for some anime-style with cycles, compositing in freestyle lines:

You can do quite a lot if you work with complex node setups, but we could really use a lightpath node to let us fully customize shaders. The terminator bug is annoying, but I’ve never found it to actually come up on a detailed model, only on simple geometry in tests.

The real question is, what are you trying to do?