I’m just starting with Blender and try to do the Plane-Tutorial from BlenderGuru. I posed the question there, but the post was deleted - I hope somebody can help me out here.
Please have a look at the attached screenshot. The left window is the viewport with Viewport Shading set to rendered. The plane renders fine with the image plane background. The right window shows the rendered output (F12) - plane and envmap are there, but no image plane. Any idea what this could be? (It’s NOT the ‘Restrict Rendering’!).
My GFX-Card is not state of the art anymore, so for cycles I have to use CPU, if that makes a difference.
When will people ever learn: Looking for help? Then help us to help you.
By following that tutorial you might have learned one thing: Blender has about a gazillion switches, settings and properties that all (more or less) contribute to the final image. How are we supposed to know which one you spoiled in your endeavour?
So, please, upload a stripped down version of that file (that still shows the problem) to a hosting service of your choice and post the download link here for us to have a look at the scene. Otherwise you force all those willing to help you into a trial-and-error-routine, which is pretty darn tiring.