It looks perfectly normal in Eevee, but when rendering in cycles it looks like this. It’s not a normal map misuse situation. The entire model is using the same texture, the same normal map, displacement map… I linked through a normal map node and that to the normal, switch it to non-colour data etc and etc… I’ve asked a lot of people about this and I really don’t know what would cause this issues.
I think it’s just too strong…
Same issue with a bump ( normal map would be probably similar).
Less bump and the issue is gone :
Also , I think your lighting is too uniform, that’s why we don’t get too much effect from the bump.
Here I deleted the light, and boosted the world :
We still can see the bump because there is no color map, but the effect is less visible.
Low light in the world + a spotlight to give volume :
I gave the material a metallic look , and less roughness :
The bump effect is much stronger, even if I didn’t change the bump settings.
But of course that won’t work with your stone material. I just wanted to point out that light and surface affect the result.
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