Cycles Smoke Rendering on GPU ?


I did not catch up with the blender development lately…
Back in the day, it was not possible to render volumetric materials of Cycles on GPU, only on CPU.
Did that change? Is it now finally possible? I couldn’t find anything about it in the manual anymore, thats why Im asking.



Hi, it is possible with Nvidia cards, they work on it for AMD cards atm.
May you wait for 2.78a published in a few days, it use Cuda 8 and give some performance boost for Nvidia cards.

Cheers, mib

Wooow how awesome, my blender is at 2.74 or something like that :smiley:
Was so tricky with that slow CPU performance using smoke/fire effects…

Thanks for your quick answer! :slight_smile:

Supported features for cpu/CUDA/OpenCl rendering see