Hi, just for info, DingTo work on the standalone version of Cycles.
It is now possible to build it easy for Linux and OSX.
On Linux/Mac OS X, simply type “make cycles” inside the Blender source directory, to get a standalone build of the engine.
Here is the mail from him on BF-comitters:
Hi everyone,
I’d like to give you an update on the Cycles standalone renderer.I worked on the code the past few days, it’s easier to build now and the
XML API has been updated a bit as well.Wiki Page with infos and example xml files:
Developer Task for discussion and feedback:
Screenshot: http://blender.dingto.org/cycles_standalone/standalone.pngPlease get in touch with us, if you like to help out, and want to
integrate Cycles into other 3D programs for example.
I’d also like got get feedback on an improved API, I don’t think XML is
the best thing here.Best regards,
Cheers, mib.
EDIT: GPU is working but get some Cuda errors.
Image is saved if you close the render window.