
It’s been like that a while before Cycles-X. Probably from the start, maybe…

Yep, that’s as old as true displacement itself. It’s never required adapative subdiv.

The eagle has landed (in master):

Cycles: merge of cycles-x branch, a major update to the renderer


Those using AMD remember to keep your previous buildbot builds, because for now there will be no OpenCL support on Master (alternatives are being developed by AMD devs)


Perhaps a little silly concern. “Cycles X” was the name of the Cycles project refactor. It coming to Master, Is it simply called Cycles again and news should continue to be discussed in Cycles Development Updates thread?

And the patch is already here.
:gear: D12578 Add HIP Support for AMD GPUs to Cycles-X (

Radeon owners may not need to wait long to start rendering with their cards again.


I think you are correct here.

Also task for tracking additional HIP tasks:

Hi, the Cycles-X branch is now in master.

Cheers, mib


Light option to be visible to camera rays

where is this option?

In the object settings same as for meshes.

That is Camera checkbox under Ray Visibility subpanel.
It is present in 2.93 but has no impact in 2.93.

But in Blender 3.0, you see a sphere or square as emitter of light in your render when option is enabled.

Seems very buggy. Also further confuses my understanding of how point lights work. I’ve downloaded Blend files in the past that contained point lights big enough to envelop more than 1/3rd of the scene and I could never comprehend/imagine what the real world equivalent light be of that light behaviour.

I just tested the most recent master build with a model I’m working on and noticed something weird, see how on each render the time and memory use increase? Samples and noise threshold are the same, and the only difference between renders is light placement/strength and progress in the sculpt, could that be expected with the new Cycles? I don’t remember seeing such differences in render time in 2.93 or earlier… :thinking:

The doors to the bug tracker should’ve swung wide open today since the merge, at least this is what usually happens when a big project goes into master.

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Just submitted a bug report, but I’d like to know if anyone else is having the same issue, just try with the default scene, move the light around and render after each change. Do the render times change a lot or they stay roughly the same?

EDIT: Duh, nevermind my post above, it seems to be just because of the noise threshold being on by default, so Blender tries to keep the same amount of noise between renders. :man_facepalming:

A real light equivalent of a point light would be a lightbulb, a candle, a match, a firefly.
But in those cases, you don’t use camera visibility.
It would be used if you try to make a magical orb with several compositing pass over it.

Practical use of Camera Visibility for lights is rather used for Sun and Area lights.

What is the real light equivalent of a 42meter point light?

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42 meter sun :slight_smile:

Technically all of those have physical area. Actually a candle is a volume.

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In Blender, a “point light” isn’t a point, but a sphere. Curious naming. But we can create something like a point light if we use a very small radius.