···•Cyrix ONE•···

Hi I am making a program that will turn your computer keyboard into a musical MIDI keyboard, and I modeled this keyboard for the GUI.It’s not finished it still needs more keys more buttons for Beat volume ect…
Any suggestions or C&C excepted…Thnx

[>] This is the simple model…

[>] This one shows the visualizer screen open…

tell me what you think thnx…sorry about the DEMO I had to do that becuase its still under development

("THANX SkeLeToR I couldnt find my profiles :stuck_out_tongue: ")I’m not realy a Forum newbie I just haven’t posted anything in 2 years…I just learn from all of you…

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looks nice, the second one is a bit low rez

though, interacting with a graphical keyboard I wouldn’t want one so colorful

[I don’t like color in pretty much any app I use]

Thanx for the comments …

interacting with a graphical keyboard I wouldn’t want one so colorful …I don’t like color in pretty much any app I use

I’m thinking about making a few different color skins sheme’s (for people who dont like bright colors…) :wink:

thnx again…

Actualy know as ·•SIN•·