czech and other symbols in bitmap font

hi. i have a problem. i want to create a translatable game labels and subtitles… but the bitmap font dont support czech and other symbols… is there any tutorial or simple way to create my own bitmap font texture with some special symbols?

Ahoj. Zkus tohle ( Ale je to už hodně starý :D.

moc díky až dorazim domu hned to skusim :wink:

jj, pak napiš, jestli to ještě funguje. Já to naposled používal někde ve verzi 2.48 :D.

tak sem to stáhnul ae nevim kam to na linuxu nahrát… a kde se to pak má přesně objevit… skusil sem to nahrát do /usr/share/blender/scripts/blender/ a nic…

i’ve downloaded the file, but i dont know where i have to put it in linux… and where in blender it will appear. i!ve tried to copy the files to /usr/share/blender/scripts/blender/ and nothing…

Do you have Python and PIL installed?

I don’t recall if the script appears in any of the menus. Just open the file in the text editor and run it with Alt + P.

I tried this- I believe it’s meant to appear in ‘Image’, though I ran it through the text editor as well

i have python… multiple versions… but what is PIL?

Python Image Library ( Download and Install it. It is required for Bitmap Font Creator to work.

Any chance of 한글 support?

I want to make some games later for teaching English to Korean kids. Being able to use text in Korean as well as English would be very helpful.

Hi, Smoking_mirror. Check the description page ( and try it for yourself. I know that I used this script a long time ago (version 2.48 I think), so it is possible that it wont work. You can also try to contact the developer (nickname Ashsid) - but he is not active on these forums for a long time :/.

Actually I thought that Blender 2.5x will have support for other character sets. Any info on this?

I seem to recall that you use Ubuntu Linux. If so, install “python-imaging” from the Synaptic package manager or

sudo apt-get install python-imaging

from the terminal.

hey thanks! i will try it when i will be on my Linux-Box :smiley:

it wont work… the console print this…

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 266, in proc
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/PIL/", line 1423, in save
    raise KeyError(ext) # unknown extension
KeyError: ''

i’ll try the blender 2.48 to generate this

edit: it’s working fine but i forget to type in the file extension in… iut’s working only with png format… thanks everybody!