d20 -- Update (11.05.2004)

UPDATE 11.05.2004

Here’s the newest try! I don’t know why some bumps look like they are inverted! Klick on link to get the large version! Blender only render!


large version

UPDATE 06.05.2004


Here is my first attempt on a d20 (20-sided die):


I know it’s small and grainy, but i only have a P3 500 here! Better quality images will follow!

C&C are very welcome! Please tell me what I can do better! Rendered purely in Blender with AO and one Arealight. Maybe i’ll try a yafray render today as well.

New render:


I have Added a wooden ground and made the numbers white! Any crits
and comments?

Here is a yafray render:


But why the heck is the ground so grainy? I used the internal blender to yafray render with skydome and Auto AA - OSA 16!

Bye droddl[/img]

I like…

Fun to look at for a few seconds, after that it’s a little stale.

Remember I like it though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty nice. The graininess is my only issue with it.

Nice…I remember when I blended on my p3. Shoot! I remember when I blended on a P2…not bad I likes


just an Update! Look at first post for picture!

you are not going to beleve this but ive blended on a pentium 1 75mhz laptop. rendering took ages but it worked.

now im rendering on a pentium 2 350 mhz. it takes ages to render with yafray but you get used to it.

nice picture. ive never seen a die like that but it looks real. not bad.

oooo pretty - try yafing it.

New Yafray render on top of the topic! (hehe, now i know why it’s called top(ic)) :slight_smile:

Looks pretty nice no crits. Man I thought my computer was slow I got an amd 900 mhz this computer sucks but its my parents Im building a new comp with 2.8 g processor 1 gig of ram and a 256 mb ddr nvidea gaphics card right now I have a hard drive and thats it but I hope to get another job soon and start working on it agian.

Another Blender render!


BTW Can anybody tell me how i can make my transparent die look like this http://www.abbys.atw.hu/final.1024x768wide.jpg


Whay is nobody answering? Is the picture THAT bad?

Looks like you’d need some spec and oa to make your dice look like the others. Lighting is paramount.

Cool dice :D.



new version on top of the page! (first post!)

looks very good!

maybe some zblur ?

I think that the background is a bit unrelated (ppl playing d&d in the outdoors? geeks don’t get out…)

The desk is a bit too “wet” - only a bit… the texture is very good though

I quite like it! How fun. And…here are some crits on the newest pic.

  1. The displacement in the table is fun, but maybe a bit too much. Tone that down slightly.
  2. The world background looks awful. Why is it so grainy and such? It really draws away from the rest of the image.
  3. Great job. I really like the YafRay render.

Keep it up.