Dadá Mini - subscribe spot

A little spot that i’ve made for an art and design magazine called Dadá mini, with music of Bosques de Groenlandia

Wow! Beautiful and so polished. I really love the 2D feel. Do you ever make tutorials?

Thanks! i really want to have the time to do so! i’ve made a project (i need to pay the hosting to get it online again) Vacui Spacii. and there i got some mini tuts about some techniques i’ve used. Please check them in a few days, by now the videos are here:

Nice Toonshading and nice balloon explosion you made there.

Lovely little animation! No crits!

Great work! Really like the balloons out there! Good 2d effects and nice texturing :slight_smile:

well, thanks very much!
The balloon shine was a little bit tricky, as in the reference was not circular, so i’ve painted directly into blender in a reflection texture. It worked very well.
And the explosion was a simple replacement of the original balloon by another one sliced, with a cloth sim with self collision (that made the magic.) :smiley:

Nice work, I like the style and how the clouds come out of the smokestack. My only critique is for the sound design - the buzzing of the factory is a bit jarring compared to the calm feel of the music. But overall really nice piece.

thanks for the comment, ibworlds, i’m not really good at sound design :wink: so, your critique is very welcome!
Thanks again!