Daily sculpts

A new sculpt

Hope you like it, and cheers!

Greate neck!!! take a look at this reference, as you can see there is room to improve it:

Which kind of feedback do you think you take more information from?, or you feel is better for you: paint over, or iwarp, or just text, I don’t know really what do you need, I can see that you are doing some “mistakes” every time, so I think you are not using references, or you are not using them properly. Also the skull shape is not as good as it can be, I recomend you to take a look at skulls and sculpt one or two. Also knowing the muscles of the face helps. You can download the Andrew Loomis books, there are free now, and they have greate content.

Hey I just miss the last one!
Very very nice! the neck is a lot better! Keep it up!!!

I feel like the iwarps and paint overs are more helpful than just plain text, cuz I can look at them :stuck_out_tongue:
Yeah, I actually haven’t used a lot of references, probably should use some more.
One reason is I cant seem to find good ones. Any tips on that?

For the skull if you have windows you can download this
Also check this out, they areimages of scans.
Here you can find some more pictures of people (search for the free stuff)
Use pinterest for searching references also: [=planes%20of%20the%20head%7Ctyped"]planes of the head](https://es.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=planes%20of%20the%20head&rs=typed&term_meta[)
For charapter desing

Also check my human proportions wip, there are some really nice things there, and also there are greate recomendations from PixelPete.

Those books are definitely not free, the copyright is still active so watch out.

There was a time in the 2000’s that a lot of older concept painters remade them popular with a younger generation, there used to be a Save Loomis website IIRC, since there were out of print and Loomis star had faded the few people familiar with his books scanned them in and uploaded illegal PDFs of his books.

It took his estate a long to put them back into print but the eventually did 5-6 years ago. I have read on some concept art websites that the hard copy books are definitely worth getting as the print quality and binding is really good.

As far as anatomy goes I personally wouldn’t recommend Loomis his book, Figure drawing for all it’s worth, is not really an anatomy book and he says so himself and he recommends Bridgeman as an Anatomy book I would throw in Rogers Peck, Goldfinger as good starter books. If you want to dive into the deep end then Gottfired Bammes and Richer are good books.

I have a print copy of loomis books, and they are greate, and yes, they are not anatomy books, and they don’t need to be, I thought they were free… My bad.

Here’s my latest sculpt.
I decided to experiment a bit with cothes, and learned a bit in the process.

Hope ya like it, and cheers :slight_smile:

you can use the solidify modifier for the cloth, they will improve a lot.
Nice nose!
Ears ned a lot of love

My latest sculpt

I’ve been away for a couple of days so I’ve been unable to post, but now here’s my latest sculpt.

Hope you like it, and cheers! :slight_smile:

My latest sculpt.