Danse Macabre


Pure Blender render.

Thank you for viewing my work,


I like the made of paper origami look. not much color variation, but the colorscheme fits well and has good contrast.

Very interesting technique. I’d like to see more pieces like this, or maybe even an animation. Great job! Very original. :slight_smile:

I must admit, when I first saw the title, I immediatly thought of a skeleton orchestra playing saint-seons!
But no, great work RobertT

Wow, your work is a constant reminder to me of what blender can achieve in the hands of a real artist.

What is the set up of the lighting, and how do you constantly churn out such pieces of quality?


Great Work and best regards,


Great composition again RobertT. I agree that the origami feel really works here.


This one is just fantastic RobertT, I have to say this one is the best piece I’ve seen from you for a while. Something about it is quite stunning.

awesome materials. love the style too. reminds me of those old puppets as in Street of Crocodiles (1986), really grungy and dark like.

Very sculptural… Whats the name of the guitarist?

Hey RobertT, really lovely work, as usual :). I find it most inspiring the much can be achieved with “just” Blender. Very cool!

Somehow this one reminds me of “The Nest” by Pascal Blanché… Now that I looked the image up again, I can’t really tell why, but it did :).

Have tou got any other life than blender, robert!? You are so productive and those works are allways high quality stuff :slight_smile: I just want to say that I love you, man! and your works, of course

I admire the fact that you stay true to your own distinct style. You’re like the Paul Gaugin, Mattise, Mondriaan of CG art, while others like Stahlberg (although technicaly top notch and very beautiful) looks like kitsch!

Wow, another masterpiece by RobertT. (In a mocking voice) Ooo look at me I’m RobertT and I make awesome artwork and I’m real cool and a moral person". lol Seriously dude, I love your stuff, I’m just guessing, but did you use the “sudivide fractal” function by any chance?

Great rendering and modeling :slight_smile:

Wow! Great picture

So sorry for the delayed response, I’ve been so busy, and not just with Blender :slight_smile:

I did want to say, thank you all VERY much for the all kind and motivating words. Thanks to your feedback and the inspiration/productivity levels I’ve been trying to maintain over these past couple of weeks, I feel as if I’ve made some progress recently in my blending and the area of communicating ideas visually, which is always a challenge. Thank you all for being out there and expressing interest and enthusiasm for what I do.

I’m also constantly aware of the fact that if we did not have Blender that such expressive freedom might not freely exist in the 3D world, so it’s times after projects like these, when there’s a moment for rest and reflection, that it’s nice to remember and thank all those who make Blender and its community a reality and a real joy. We really have something special here amongst us all.
