dark city is the best movie in the world ever

sorry about the over enthesiastic title but i love this film!!!

cubfan reminded me of it (although i dont know why he said the extras were good on the dvd cos there crap).

the film is just so obviously a labour of love. some much attention so much detail. so origional so stylalised … just brilliant.


You say all these, because you haven’t seen Ridley Scott’s: “Do androids dream of electric sheep???” :wink: 8) :Z

If you know what I’m talking about… :wink: 8) :Z

One of the best sci-fi movies ever… They said it was THE “film noire” of the 80’s!!!

film title: Bladerunner. story title “do androids dream of electric sheep”
random quote:
“He say you Bradelunnah!”
“Tell 'im I’m eating”

two (main) versions: original theatrical and director’s cut. the orig has a tacky ending added on to it, an (un-intentionally?) hillarious voice over by harrison ford (to ‘explain’ the movie to the masses) and perhaps, strangely, more ambiguity, i.e. sub text carries most of the ‘message’.
directors cut is leaner, tighter , a better movie perhaps. definetly worth watching BEFORE the original.
I like’em both.

:wink: :smiley: :smiley: :wink: :Z :slight_smile: :smiley: :wink: :Z

p.s.: Not that “Dark city” isn’t a good film, but I like the other one more… :wink:

bladerunner is also extreamlly good.

but theres not the detail and the pycological flawnessness of dark city. so many vivid characters so much going on its only 90 mins long it feals 200 mins.


If you like Dark City,…try,…‘City of Lost Children’. You’ll love it.

I liked that film too… :smiley:

I liked the characters… They were as if they had come out from a French cartoon…

Really awesome film…


was dark city the one about this city run by aliens (which you never see)

and te city froze in time periodicly, also the city was floating in space.

??? was that the right one??

if it was i didn’t really like it then again i saw it when i was pretty young


Damn you alltaken, I was going to watch it and now you’ve spoilt the plot for me!!! %| :smiley: :smiley: %|

P.S. Not really I’ve already seen it!

another great dark movie is donne darko, that movie is damn tripped out. i recon if you watced it on acid you head would explode :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

That scifi is good and all but there can be only one:
This series fits into so many different categories and each book is so different… they really made me think and I learned quite a bit after reading them (Dune Messiah is lame though…).

dune is very cool

yes the movie is very cool


which one the original or the series of 3? dune has some good consepts but isnt exactly film noir.

“The Crow” however is not as good as darkcity/bladerunner etc but again an extreamly original film and you just gotta love the pawnshop scene. and the meeting table scene. and the running across roof tops etc etc

um i think blade runner was an alsome movie. the dark city was ok it was kindof point less. some other good movies are the fifth element, Stargate , and Space Balls.

Yo interresting post here!
Blade runner is cool.
Dark city and the city of the lost children too.
Also try: Avalon (by Oshii the one who made Ghost In The Shell) and Stalker(Tarkovsky, the one who made Solaris which prety much rocks too)

Blade Runner philsophy:
For those who don’t know yet, the director’s cut of blade runner has one single scene added. We see Deckard dreaming of a unicorn. At the end, we see an origami droped by the guy from the police station. The origami represents a unicorn. So what? THat guy knows obout Deckard’s dreams as if he made them. Leading to a risky yet interresting conclusion: Deckard is an android him self. “it’s sad she won’t live but then again who does!”
Why is the main character called Deckard?
The whole story is about one thing: Can an android have consciousness, can we create an artificial intelligent beeing?
Back in the year 1637, Descarte (hey that name… :Z ) wrote “Le Discours de la Méthode” in which he said that creating artificial beeings would work for animals because their mental capabilities are limited. But a human beeing wouldn’t be realizable. Because he thinks. “I think so I am”. I am an individual with my own mind.
Well you should now have something to meditate for a while.

By the way everything I said here is not from me. I read it.

See you, dudes.

Ps: see my |
signature? V

creating a sentiant ai has huge moral implications but makes for good films :P.

its just a matter of time really
another problem is you would have to put the robot in a survival situaion so it could react and learn and eventually realise its there so it would have to have sensors that can read the real world. like a mic and camara and stuff. what i would love to see is a race of robots programed to after 10 years build another race of robots based on there input and then self destruct that would be ausum.

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams … glitter in the dark near Tannhauser Gate. All those … moments will be lost … in time, like tears … in rain. Time … to die. :wink:


P.S.1: Tarkovsky’s “Solaris” was a masterpiece… The recent remake with George Clooney was very good as well…

P.S.2: I want more life, f*cker… -Roy Batty (I just couldn’t resist to say that!!! Don’t know why…)

Actually there were 6 Dune books plus 4 prequels. The last last 3 books in the original series are masterpieces…

The main idea behind the novel which was based upon and in extension to the film “Blade Runner” itself, was not Artificial intelligence at all… That was just a cover…

Underneath the surface, there’s only one thing…


I smell paranoia

oh and val sorry i thought you were on about the films (there more than one film too)