dark city is the best movie in the world ever

About the extras: I meant how they had two commentaries. I don’t care for much extras.

Sorry but you’re wrong here, Timonides. Philip K dick(hell of censorship!) wrote “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” in 1968. THe movie was released in 1982. Philip K. dick(hell of censorship!) died the same year.
I read the book before I had seen the movie and I like the movie better, though.
For those who haven’t read the book, it’s about Deckard’s dream to have a real sheep, not a robot one. He accepts to retire the nexus 6 to earn enough money to buy this sheep.
See you.

cubefan i must have a different dvd i got no comanaries :frowning: all i got was a good but lil short making of doc.

Why would he want a real animal, instead of a real friend… Do sheeps, worth more than humans for Deckard, perhaps??? :wink: Can you name at least one human that Deckard, felt anything for, in the book???

Anyway, you may be right, but this is the way I understand the book… It has that meaning, at least for me…

I agree… Some times censorship can become a big problem… Try to write P. K. D*ick’s name without the asterisk… :stuck_out_tongue:

r u talking to mee??? lol :stuck_out_tongue:


It is a good movie, I would of thought they would turn around and go back to earth at the end :frowning:

Star Wars.

I’m with Timonides on this one- The movie is a fairly ‘faithful’ adaptation to the book (unless you mean a word for word). Deckard in the book, like deckard in the movie (the kiss/rape scene with rachel) has a hard time relating to (loosely) people. Witness his relationship with his wife in the book (mood machine is brilliant). I don’t think the emotions Deckard feels are anything WE would see as human. The difference is that in the book Deckard is biologically human; that makes his de-humanization more powerful, and more relevant. In the movie, at least in the directors cut, its made quite obvious that he’s not human. This is the one failure of the d.c. that I see- It quite slakes the power of the movie to see Deckard as another just another machine. Then again, answers always bring up new questions.

Not to go off-topic, but:

Dick: Dick
ck: Fuck

Huge problem, Timothy/S68. It’s not like 5-year olds come to this site (well, aside from me). Besides, you censor “fuck" & "dick” but nothing more, like “lesbian,” “Shit,” “asshole,” or “CubeFan973.”

Sorry Timonides,
My mistake. I should have quoted better :expressionless:
I meant: you’re wrong when you say that the book was based upon the movie and an extention (or did I misunderstand what you meant?) to it since the book was written 20 years before the movie.
Anyway, I agree with you on every thing else you said.
See you.

It’s my fault… Not your’s…

It was a bad use of English language, on my behalf…

Ofcourse the book was written 20 years before the film…

When I wrote that, I meant: “The main idea behind the novel which the film was based upon…” instead, but it ended up showing up a wrong meaning I guess…


BTW. Has anybody seen “Gattaga”??? I think it’s one of the films that should be added in the list, of excellent scifi movies… :wink:


You’re totaly right. This movie is cool too. The best of andrew nicoll ever.
Well talking about must see sci fi movies: Abre los Ojos(vanilla skies was the remake) and of course 12 monkeys (although, la Jetée is better)

It’s spelled “Gattaca”, but yeah, it’s a great movie.

Man, I can’t believe nobody has mentioned the mother of all tripped out movies: BRAZIL %|

How could I forget about Brazil? :S
You’re right Modron.

Spaceballs is the best sci fi movie ever. Best animated sci fi is Akira.