This is just a little picture I drew during spanish class on my notes page I kind of liked it so I thought I would share. I might post more “in-class doodles” if I think any more of them are particularly good
Hope you like it
This is just a little picture I drew during spanish class on my notes page I kind of liked it so I thought I would share. I might post more “in-class doodles” if I think any more of them are particularly good
Hope you like it
Spanish class, probably the best place to draw. Hope to see some more of your woek soon.
It is quite good. I have been in a “manga” phase on/off for the last ten years, and am still learning how to draw it. Look forward to more updates from you.
Thanks! Glad to here someone likes my work, I don’t get that a lot Ya, I never even really got into any actual manga comics or animes (accept full metal alchemist a little bit) but ever since I’ve started drawing that was the direction I naturally went, not sure why lol You should show some of your work!
Hopefully I’ll have more to show soon.
Ya, seriously. I get soo bored during spanish class especially since this is my second time taking it (and hopefully my last :D). Anyways maybe the one good thing about it is that I have some time to improve my drawing skills hopefully I’ll post more soon.
Here’s another one! I’m hoping I’ll actually get around to inking and coloring this one eventually
For some reason it strikes me as kind of a Disney style :eyebrowlift2: Not sure why lol
Yes. Robotic eyes and arms totally remind me of kid friendly animations. rofl. Good job. I’ve never been able to draw manga.
I get what your saying lol but I was more talking about the overall art style itself, not necessarily the actual character.
Looking good!