DDR2 and GDDR3 Compatibility

I am upgrading my computer with more memory and a better card:



Now the card’s memory type is GDDR3 but the memory stick’s type is DDR2. Does this make a difference in the compatibility? I do not know a lot about computer hardware. I need a definate answer not opinions though.

Thanks guys

Wouldn’t recommend that ATI card. Don’t see how it will make anything faster.

The ddr3 on graphics card has no impact on the regular ddr2 memory.

What card would you recommend? Thanks for the reply aswell

EDIT: preferably from newegg

I see the Geforce cards like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130085

But I heard they are very VERY hot. Any ati card you think I should get?

ATIs have a bad rep among blenderheads.

What do you suggest? I don’t want something so powerful that it takes up 800 wats and is really hot, but I don’t want something not worth buying.

Please some more suggestions?

It won’t make a difference. I have GDDR5 with DDR2 sticks, and there’s no compatibility issues.




Yah, listen to the mean elephant…
His advice is good.
Perfect card for your pricerange.

And if you want to spend some money more get a 9800 GT like:
(you get Call of Duty 4 along with it and you will be quite able to play it)

And are you upgrading or replacing your RAM?
Be sure the timings fit if you intend to put additional modules in your puter.

I think I am just going to save up for a customized Alienware PC. Thanks for the tips guys

I almost messed my pants when I saw those prices. Thank you so much, I’m getting the first one.

If you got the skill to build your own machine, i wouldn´t do that. Granted Alienware uses good components, but their machines are more expensive because of that and even more expensive because of their name.
Might have changed over the years, but last time i checker you had to pay mostly for their name.

Heh, Alienware isn’t near as bad as Apple. Apple sells a $25,000 computer that’s not actually that great…yeah it’s a good computer, but I’d rather get a car :stuck_out_tongue:


I agree with arexma. You can check this for yourself by pricing out the same components at a discount place like newegg. There are other “boutique” online vendors who get pretty close to this pricing while putting it together and testing it out for you. Alienware tacks xtra $$$ for fancy aesthetics… who in the f*rt ever even looks at their fancy shiny glowing pc case while blendering anyway?!? Now noise and power usage are tangibles to consider, but looks? Gimme a break.

I have personally found my 8600gt card - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130085 (like that one but with 512mb of memory) - to be brilliant at games and at the BGE. I would recommend that you go for the 9600gt though, as it is identical and you get more for your money. I wouldn’t go for an alienware PC unless you are seriously into gaming, their components are top, but its very overpriced considering you can get almost the same gear for 2/3 the price.