Dealing with Aces , AGX, Srgb

For the record, and since the folks who participate around BA seem to be of vastly more nuanced intellectual fortitude than many places on the net, I feel that this discussion should be fleshed out a teeny bit:

  1. “Hue” is a neurophysiological term. Anyone who tries to convince folks otherwise needs to do some reading and exploring the surface of demonstrations. A key point in this is that there are effectively two displacements away from the stimulus. The first is a sort of “Sense Datum” state, which would correspond to the neurophysiological status of the internal meatspace signals. The second is the scission / fission mechanic that appears to involve top-down cognition. TL;DR: There ain’t no such thing as “hue” in the stimulus. This is a Nonsense Burger.
  2. When discussing “Hue”, we have to be extremely careful in that the spatiotemporal articulation cascades to the “Sense Datum”, and ultimately the “Colour Qualia”. TL;DR: There’s no “hue” in the stimulus, and we need to consider varying spatiotemporal articulations when discussing the cognized “hue-ness”.
  3. As a general rule of thumb, it seems there are some deeply complex relationships with “hue” as global frame achromatic stimulus is “mixed in”. That is, in the vast majority of cases, folks will read a “straight line” in colourimetric CIE xy from “red” stimulus to the “achromatic” R=G=B state, as weird as F. It will typically result in cries of “pink” or “salmon”. TL;DR: At varying purities, and dependent upon the spatiotemporal articulation, “red” almost always benefits from twisting to an “orange-yellow”. I’ll let those folks with a tolerance for pain search the forum regarding depictions of things like “fire” etc.

Ultimately this means that given there’s no “hue” in the stimulus, there’s also no “Abney Effect” in the stimulus. Further, no stimulus oriented model of any warping, distortion, or otherwise, can “fix” the Abney Effect. The flourish in Blender, or my SB2383 configuration will therefore always fail in some spatiotemporal articulations.

Any claim by any “Colour Appearance Model” or “Uniform Colour Space” is a great, huge, tremendous Bullshit Burger.

Case in point, while the following demonstrations are in no way optimized or ideal, they should reveal how the inductive field propagation of the boundary conditions cascades upstream to the scission / fission mechanic, and yields very different notions of “hue constancy” in the articulations. All “graduations” here are identical tristimulus across the pictures. Only the “grounds” are changed.

TL:DR: Herp derp red dun go orange-yellowy mostly gooder idea. Abney Effectk not in derp stimulustuffs.