
This is one of those odd things that I wouldn’t normally post.

But how do you feel about death? I’m sure most people have lost someone “to the other world”, but does it really change or affect you?

Just interested in the thoughts of those around here :slight_smile:

  • hackedmind

I think in our society death is the thing people are most scared of but it really shouldn’t be. People don’t understand death and never will really be able to find out what happens when they die untill they experience it for themselves and we’re all afraid of whats unkown.

Thats why it helps to have faith that theres somthing better comming. Then theres nothing to fear! Of course its still hard when people die because they’re no longer there with you but you always have the hope of seeing them again :slight_smile:

There is no other world, just as you didn’t know you existed before you were born. You won’t know you exist as a dead corpse after you are dead. There will be 10 seconds of omg I’m dying…then nothing more. Isn’t that hard to imagine, not thinking AT ALL!

Of course people are working on a way to extend the human lifetime. Be regenerating dead cells. Every cell in our body is replaced like every 4 years. If you could reset the body’s biological clock, you could in a 4 year time reverse a 75 year old mans body to a 20 year olds!!!

The one who lives will know, but most likely we will all die. :smiley:

EDIT: Also I think living forever would be like a curse, anyone who has seen that american anime Hunter D? I recon life would be quite boring after awhile, and everyone would run around killing eachother for fun because of overpopoulation.

Or, you could replace the biological cell with an artificial cell that performs the same functions better, and without deteriorating.

EDIT: Also I think living forever would be like a curse, anyone who has seen that american anime Hunter D? I recon life would be quite boring after awhile, and everyone would run around killing eachother for fun because of overpopoulation.
I’ve only seen the movie (referring to Vampire Hunter D), but I got the impression that the curse was primarily loneliness, brought on by what he was ( a human-vampire hybrid ), not by how long he lived.

As for the whole immortality bit, generally speaking: I don’t think it could ever get boring, at least for the science-minded among us - there would always be something new to discover, and an effort to implement that in a new technology.

Also, let us not forget: there is a whole universe out there to explore.

Regarding death:

Going back to a state of non-existence is not what scares me (we’ve all been there before): It’s the usually rough transition from life to death that gives me pause - I would like to avoid that if at all possible.

Doing so by attaining eternal life would be ideal, but I’ll settle for a quick and painless death. :smiley:

Off topic, but does anyone else see this connection based on a number of posts during the last few days?

P.S. look at the dates

The years since the last recorded service would worry me a great deal but if you like this car you’re still interested in it, have the dealer take the car to Benz dealer or other trusted shop of YOUR CHOOSING to have the car inspected. You will have to pay for that inspection (usually they will charge about 1 hour of labour) but then you will have a good idea of what type of shape the vehicle is in and if this vehicle was maintained properly or not.

You should really consider laying off the drugs.

I had the suspicion b/c Hermóðr is another norsk “god” :smiley:

If you believed in an afterlife, would you still live your current life to the fullest?

AD-Edge: That’s EXACTLY what I never understood. If you guys REALLY believe that you’re “better off” or in “a better place” once you die, why the hell do you guys try so hard to live? Why not just let a cold kill you? Because it’s a violation of the forum rules I’m not posting my beliefs. But to answer your questions losing a person can definitely have a MAJOR impact on your life. You just have to be strong. It’s a very hard thing for me to say, as I lost the most important person to me --my mom. It’s been almost a year (it’s getting hard again as the 30th is the anniversary of her death) you just have to be strong. I think the worst part is the fact that I watch her die, so the metal picture of her flatlining, and he last breath haunts me.

Then you have people like my dad, afterwards he was a complete wreck, to the point where I’ve had to get emancipated and move out.

Death is one of those things that you never really understand unless you lose someone close to you. Losing an aunt or uncle or grandparent is one thing. Losing a parent, sibling, or spouse is another thing.

Oh yes Killer, I know the feeling almost…my dad was in a car accident. You never know if he died or not…the two hours it took to get to his hospital felt like hell. Actually coming to the hospital and get the message that he is dead…must be very very painful.

I always imagined that if it would happen you would be invincible mentally. There is really no experience that is worse than loosing a close one. So in comparison to what you have just gone through. You don’t really have to be nervous or afraid of much. You must have become a hardened person killer.

A man with confidence, am I right?

You hit the nail on the head.

Death’s a funny thing.

Interesting. I watched a documentary on a similar theme. It was well…quite interesting.

Depending on what you mean by the “fullest”. If you know that hundreds of thousands of people out there could also die at any moment and face eternal damnation I’d say trying to save as many as you can is a hell of a good motivation to live.

Life might seem pointless and that tangent might seem logical if you believe you’ll be in a much better place after you die on this planet.

However: Based on my personal train of thought, I’ve gathered that it doesn’t give you an excuse to be a loafer and sit around on the couch all day, and besides, productivity, interests, hobbies, activities, and the like would help establish your character if you’re opinion is of one who thinks you’ll be doing things based off of that after you die here (and if you believe a good, productive life now will affect what you get then)

Not going into specifics here to keep within the forum rules, though it’s fairly easy to end up pushing them in a thread like this.

Very well put Ace :slight_smile:

Ace: That could possibly the most biased comment I’ve ever seen end with the sentence “Not going into specifics here to keep within the forum rules”.

Try to be more opinion with opinion. If you wanna go rant religion go onto another forum, or create a blog. Believe it or not I’m very religious myself. However, I try to be as open as possible to other religions. It’s impossible to understand why people believe what they believe if you just try and correct everyone. Respect an opinion, and respectively offer your own opinion.

What other world? There is only one! Better enjoy what little time you have on this little rock.
The end.

edit: just my opinion.

I personally believe in an after life(see sig). I would much rather be dead and be in a better place, but I have work to do here, like telling people how to go to heaven instead of hell.