decal question

I was experimenting with the thing with doing a decal with an empty. I got it to work, but the minute I changed the camera angle, the thing was no longer positioned correctly. How you you “lock” the thing so that it looks the same from all camera angles? Or is this not possible?

Hello ClayOgre,
I assume you are using an empty placed inside your object mesh. Parent the empty to the object, so that the object is the parent of the empty. Check to make sure you don’t have your camera and empty set to a constraint - it sounds like your camera move caused the empty to move. If you have a good position in one angle, it should work that the next angle should also show the decal from that angle. If oyu are using an empty to constrain your camera, make sure you are using a seperate empty for your decal.

Good luck!!:cool:

Nope…tried the parent thing, same problem. The minute I move the camera, the decal changes orientation. I wonder if the sticky textures thing would do the trick…


What are your Map Input options?

I found the problem…I was missing a single crucial step. I wasn’t putting the name of the Empty into the Object section of the map input dialog. I moved the camera, did a render, a viola, worked like a champ.

Geez, and I read two different tutorials on how to do this. I don’t see how I missed it. Thank you for all your help.

Thought you might like to see the result… I need to work on the image a bit more (done in Inkscape and Gimp), but I am quite pleased with the results.

:smiley: I don’t know what would hurt worse - the nose ring , the nose tattoo, or the effort to shave those nose hairs!!! :slight_smile:
Good job, and yeah, I ran into troubles with naming the empty the first couple of times ,too.