Ok, it is almost finished, and i need serious comments on it. Blender internal, sky colored ao.
plain ao render:
Ok, it is almost finished, and i need serious comments on it. Blender internal, sky colored ao.
plain ao render:
is it just me or is it abit too dark…but from what i can see this is good work…try to brighten it up abit…
You don’t need to brighten it up, just use the level tool in photoshop to bring out the light spots.
yeah its fine, but the contrast of the windows with the uncontrasty(flat?) ground makes the bottom half of the image a little tough to make out.
k, thanks to all. I added a plain ao render:
looks much better in my opinion.
great work
Great work on textures and modelling - it must be great to actually be on the verge of fininishing somthing - i always get hung up on the little details :o.
Just on the composition (see the diagram below):
Hope that helps - thats just my opinion :rolleyes:. Can’t wait to see the final picture.
Many thanks on that comment, it is really usefull.
Oh good, im glad it helped. I sometimes find it hard to analyse the composition of some of my own art after i have beed working on it for ages. Its sometimes good to fresh eyes looking at it.
Ok, this is the final version.
www.m-sign.info/sources/axelastfinal1copy.png (link expired)
www.m-sign.info/sources/axelastfinal2copy.png(link expired)
Which one is the best?
To be honest? “Neither one.”
The problem with this picture, and it’s been here from the beginning, is that you are much too close to it. Every time you look at it, you see what you want to see; the ordinary viewer does not. You see all the hard work and sweat, all the hours of rendering, that lead up to it. The viewer sees none of that; neither does he care. (Umm, sorry…)
Anytime you set up a shot, you need to plot a visual course through it. The course always begins with the brightest or most-contrasty thing in the image, then proceeds in a circular course from that point. It needs to wind up where it began. This is true no matter what medium you’re using: photography, art, or computer graphics.
This image simply doesn’t have a focus-point. There is nothing here that, “in a split-second, tells a complete story.” And that, believe it or not, is what every good picture needs to do.
Step back from this picture: what is it that you are trying to tell me? What is the impression that you want me, a complete stranger, to come away with? Nay, to be slammed in the face with such that I could not possibly miss it or ignore it? What is it that you want this image to make me feel?
“A skeleton in a spooky scene” … says nothing at all to me. What am I supposed to feel, and about what? Go ahead… you decide.
“It doesn’t matter to me how hard you worked to make this image. I don’t understand or appreciate the difficulty of the technology.” You have 1/100 of a second with which to blow me off my feet “at a glance.”
You can resolve all of the problems with this image with very careful use of lighting alone…
Also, the lighting is highly over-saturated. Most natural lighting is a lot gr eyer and more muted because of constant diffusion from the world around it.
Wow. That’s great work. Fantastic! =)
Many thanks for your comments, they were very good.
k. i updated it again.
It says the server is down.