decent free virus/malware finding software?

I need some spyware/virus/malware/whateveryawannacallit finding software to use before I buy norton antivirus. anybody know of good ones?

Whatever you end up downloading, you’ll need 1500 other programs to catch everything, but I use SpyBot S&D, and hijackThis for most things.

As alternatives to Norton, you might want to try:

Hope these help.

Clam antivirus is another nice, free program.

I’d give a testimonial for avast! It’s an excellent scanner… I used AVG for a long time previously but avast! has proven more effective… :yes:
Based on Kaspersky, famous for keeping virusses out :stuck_out_tongue:
See (don’t worry about the name) to see a list on which software how many virusses stops

Here’s a third vote for Avast!. + AdAware.

A vote for AVG here.

Also, don’t get norton. Just don’t. It’s such a bad program, nagging and slowing everything down. I’d rather have viruses than norton.

lol but you’re right :smiley:
I recommend antivir (
The smallest version is free forever, it does not eat your cpu-power and you can configure it to do everything quietly (updates, disk checks…)

why not use linux and forget these malwares?

Yes, it was only a matter of time before someone suggested that. :no:

the time plays tricks on me.

Yes! Avast is truly much better then Norton IMO. Faster too. go for avast.

i will just ditto what’s been said:

Spybot: Search & Destroy (Great registry-change blocker)
HijackThis (one of the few programs that can destroy certain malwares)
AVGFree (although this is going pay-only pretty soon)
Kaspersky AV
Ewido Security Suite
Crap Cleaner (not AV per se, but does a great job of cleaning up registry entries and blocking services etc)

My understanding is that the older version is going away, but they are mostly just trying to push people to upgrade. They still have a free version available for home / private use.

I use Hitman Pro, which is a shield for various anti spyware programs
The nice thing of Hitman Pro is that it downloads the programs, does all the settings for you, you only have to agree on the licenses. Every time you run Hitman Pro it will check for the latest versions.

It includes Ad-Aware, Spybot S&D, Spyware Doctor, Trend Micro CWShredder, SpywareBlaster and trial versions of Nod32 and Spysweeper (which will be deactivated after the trial period is finished).
Besides the Dutch version, it’s now also available in English and German.

Avast is great