Decimate modifier and memory usage

Hello everyone!
I have a pretty straightforward question. I need to reduce memory usage in my scene, of course. Since I have quite some objects with a decimate modifier I was wondering if I can save some memory by applying the modifiers to the objects (and thus making them permanent).

Does the memory usage decrease if a decimate modifier is applied to an object (and so made permanent) rather than it is just put there and still editable?

just checked manual and I think you have make an experiment :frowning:

Sure it does decrease. I often work with models that comes in really high resolution like a few millions polygons. I use decimate modifier to reduce the polys even to about 10-5% of the original and it is still an okay detailed model. I use the decimate modifier twice if the mesh is too dense as the decimation from 100% to 5% would make the blender possibly freeze so I use like 50% at first apply and then do again to 10%. Also it depends what you will need to do with the model as the topology after decimate will not be good.