decimating a Poser/Daz object

I would like to reduce the number of polygons of an .obj from Poser or Daz.

I am hoping someone can give me a step-by-step tutorial on how to do this. It seems right now that when I import the obj file, the Modifiers tab goes away, so I’m not sure how to select it such that the modifiers will appear again. At that point I hope to use the decimate feature.

I also was having trouble in importing an obj file into anotherprogram called 3d Photo Browser- the materials didn’t import as well. So I’m hoping to preserve the materials through this method.

I’d appreciate the help. Thanks

of course you can use decimator, but you will lose the UV texture mapping for the objet.

you should not have a problem with a .obj as any other type of import mesh.

Well, for some reason these options are not available when I load the object. I don’t know if you use Poser/Daz, but try importing one of the obj files. None of those options are available when it is selected (unlike when you select the cube).

Sorry, but I don’t have this problem, I have used, Poser6 and I have imported .obj files from facegen too, and I’ve never had this problem. I can’t help you

May I ask how you are selecting the obj? Did you just import it, and that’s all? Keep in mind that I’m very new to blender and downloaded it just for this purpose.

here’s what I get when I import (im not certain im even importing properly):

I was also hoping that you might tell me what boxes to check upon import and export for best compatibility with Poser.
Thanks again

hmm let see you import the.obj and the modifiers tab disappears…hmm I use makeHuman obj same format should pretty much work the same…all I do is open a new scene in blender then go to File Import OBJ then look for that object in my files then import it…usually blender will give you some options about object groups and smoothing…but you can click okay and it should import your model…then modifers should work…if not check your console and see if it gives you an error…

Well I think I was doing things wrong. When I right click a part of the figure, the modifiers tab appears, and I can work from there. However, I’m trying to select the whole object now to decimate it altogether- and this doesn’t want to work. So I tried applying the decimate modifier to each individual group, but when I export, it comes up with a nameerror, telling me: error, global name ‘Material’ not defined"

I’d really appreciate some step by step instructions on decimating a poser .obj, which I think is just what I need.

select every part and push ctrl+j to join all the parts in one part, and later try to decimate. But in my picture in my last post, you can see that I’m selecting all the parts and anyway I can choose decimate (maybe won’t work, but I can choose it)

To export obj and import in blender, I left all options by default, I just pushed OK a few times. I didn’t do it anything special.

Maybe it’s just that the buttons are outside the screen. push right mouse buton in the button windows and choose horizontal, for expamle, I don’t think that’s the problem but I don’t know what to tell you.

Try selecting it and pressing Alt+C… this will allow you to convert it to a different type of model. My suspicion is that it is not a mesh, and you need to convert it to mesh before you can decimate it.

I highly recommend that you learn to do lopoly modeling, though. Decimation results in very messy meshes, and is not a very good method for creating models for the game engine.

I agree, I tried it, and I left this way, you don’t get clean meshs. If you don’t want to model, you can look for low poly models in internet, there are a lot.

Don’t use the “Decimate” modifier as it’s very poor and loses textures, UV maps, weights etc. Use the supplied “Poly Reducer” script instead which does a much better job of reducing polys while maintaing UV maps and weights etc.

  1. Import your .obj

  2. Deselect everything by hitting “A” once or twice as needed.

  3. Right click the imported .obj (it turns light pink)

  4. Switch to edit mode (Tab key)

  5. Make sure all vertices are selected (yellow) if not hit “A” until all verts are yellow.

  6. Select the following menu, Mesh–>Scripts–>Poly Reducer

  7. The Poly Reducer GUI opens up. The first box called Poly Reduce will be set at 0.5 this will reduce the number of polys in your model by exactly half. Adjust as required. You can leave all the other settings alone until you know whay you’re doing.

Note: this will convert any quads to tris so the number of faces reported in your model may be a bit misleading. To convert back to quad polys hit F9 (Mesh Edit) and hit “Join Triangles” in the Mesh Tools Tab.

Hope this helps.

I really appreciate the help. I’ll give this a try. Thank you.

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