Deep inside the Amethyst caves. Geodesic discovery found.

Hi all,

this is the result of two Geodesic domes created with the excellent Python script by Andy Houston. (Blender modeled and rendered post in PS5)

Sort of abstract but it’s called ‘Deep inside the Amethyst caves’.


Click for link to larger image.

C and C welcome as always.


Very caleidoscopic! Would look cool as a pattern on an oriental carpet or something. I like the colorfulness of it, indeed.

“Sort of abstract” :wink:
Very abstract.
I’m still working on an improved version of the script. It will give you even more scope for creativity, I promise.

Wow [!] Amazing.

Nice work!

You are becoming the reflection/env-map king! :stuck_out_tongue:


JamesK, I agree about the caleidoscopic look, it wasn’t intentional though.

serendipity, looking forward to the new options. No rush though, I’m still enjoying this version. :smiley:

sajjetta, thanks. 8)

BgDM, would you believe that there is only 1 envmap in this whole scene, and thats on the center dome that faces you. :smiley:


That’s something that I wouldn’t be surprised to see on a cover of a goa/psy trance record :smiley:

That looks realy cool, and you’re right about it being abstract. Shame you didn’t have it ready to post a day or two before you did, it would have stood a good chance in this week’s weekend challenge. Exellent image :slight_smile:

Thanks Skating Kow, but because I chose the weekend challenge theme ‘Abstract’, I was unable to enter. :-?


Man, thats pretty cool. I wouldn’t even know where to start doing abstract stuff, very interesting tho…
I wouldnt even mind hearing you blab on a bit on how you achived this, would be neat to hear as well… hehe :wink:
Anywayz… good stuff!!! :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

Sure Matt, I’ve been looking for an excuse to do a wireframe version.:smiley:

>< Wireframe. Link.
<> Screen shot. Link.

Methods employed:- Created a Geodesic dome using Andy Houston’s script, using the golf ball and Buckyball settings to make the reflective dome. (You can find a link to the script in the Python script list, here at elYsiun.)

Created another Geodesic dome but this time using the Pincushion settings, this is the ‘Amethyst’ part. Left it unsmoothed and non subsurfed.

Placed the second dome inside the camera, (see screenshot) and applied a texture consisting of a Blender render with a black background and a blue head wireframe model. (This is actually posted here at elYsiun, it’s called Why I love Blender, by me.)

The texture is mapped using cube to get a nice clean edge along the ‘Amethyst’ crystals, then tiled 9 X axis and 9 Y axis. A nice biproduct was the mirrored fx that seemed to have appeared.

Then Env mapped the first dome, mixed the Col fader and hit add. (See screenshot.)

Simple 3 spot lighting setup. --EDIT-- Forgot about the Clouds texture in the World settings, set to colour. --EDIT–

That’s it, nothing to it really.:wink:


I just can’t believe the variety of shapes you are generating.
