I’ve been super excited to show this render, first time using The Grove 3d. I really hope you all like it.
this is looking really nice, although the DOF makes it look like a minature in the second picture
Thank you yeah I was just going for a different angle probably made it a little too strong
It’s beautiful.
Thank you
Hey it’s a great idea and a great job. I also like the idea of the deep morning or evening sun.
To me the brightness and the color of the sun seems as if it’s about noon. So it does not quite fit to the low angle of the sun.
I used an hdri so I didnt have to much control over that part it could be from the color correction.
The first one is obviously the best, you get a good atmosphere and a good look at all of the detail.
There are only a few minor things that I could nitpick (the dandelion seed balls could be a little fuzzier for instance), but it appears good enough unless you harbor the trait of perfectionism.
yeah the dandelions were part of the free grass addon they work but I would’t use them for a super close up.
Amazing work! Are trunks photoscanned or you sculpted them? The level of details in them is just superb and I’d like to know how you achieved it.
Just sculpting I used dyntopo with mostly the clay strips and snake hook brush.
Beautiful images, though yeah must admit the DOF in 2nd makes it look like a miniature (which is neither good nor bad, depending on your intention)
I must say though that your “natural” elements, the foliage, water and rocks are totally credible and convincing.
Great work
Well it’s stunning, the environment is highly believable, the water and riverbed are fantastic. I can’t look at the out of focus version, that doesn’t work at all, worth a try but I wouldn’t have put it up when the original is pretty much perfect.
Amazing, it looks real.
Wow, fantastic. Could you share the blender file? If not could you tell how big the file is for such a scene and how long it takes to render?
I am not a pro, but I have made a forest scene and I can say how much effort goes into this. Marvelous job!
I like to see your environment scenes, feels natural and solid. You might want to play a bit more with the content. At the moment it is not inviting or triggering me to keep watching. The vertical composition looks strange, is there a reason to choose this?
The second render was not necessary, perspective and post filters are not doing anything good to the scene.
This scene asks for a more wide perspective and something that triggers mee to keep watching.
Hope you make more environments!
Sorry, but iv’e got to reach a quota before I can post anywhere else, so criticism coming… Your grass seems to be a bit vertical. It seems a bit too uniform in a vertical way. That’s about it. Nicely done though, the 1st image looks like an old style farm painting.
Fantastic work!
Makes me wish I was camping. I feel very calm and peaceful looking at these.