Default node setup for Indirect and Environment Lighting


I’m trying to learn node composition a little bit, but run into a problem.

I was trying to setup scene with indirect and environment lights on and don’t know how to set up nodes to achive the same effect as combined by default.

So here is my question:
Where and how (i figured it will probably be multiply) should I put those two passes to get “default” combination?

Tried to find how blender does it but with no results :frowning:

Thanks for Your help!

check this thread , especially last post.

basically the formula is this:
Diff*(AOShadow))+Spec+Emit+(Ind.Light(Color*[Intensity color value])factor)+((Env.Light(Color*[Intensity color value])*factor)+Reflection+Refraction

Thanks a lot! Works perfectly :slight_smile: