Check out this nice Gamasutra article about the dos and don’ts of creating player boundaries for games. All too often I see really silly, uninspired, or just plain confusing boundaries in both professional and amateur games, so do yourself a favor and read this short piece, and think of it the next time you’re designing a new level.
However, I disagree with the comments on the magical walls that appear before battles.
I am a god of war fan, so i rejected that. Personally, i think that they help the emotion of the game, as you know that something BIG is about to happen.
why does he keep saying you can just step over stuff? everyone knows that a suitcase on the ground is insurmountable in real life, why should it be different in games?
…great link, there was a lot of stuff that should have been common sense in there, but I completely didn’t think of. 's always good to have stuff added to my knowledge base.