this is my first rig and i was wandering why the hips deform like this
you have the bones set to deform your mesh with both envelope and vertex groups (which is fine)
you can adjust the envelope size by setting the draw type to envelope - and scaling the root - tip and middle in pose mode
to adjust the amount of influence the vertex groups have use weight paint mode
you can also make to armature visible over the mesh using x-ray (makes it easy to see what you’re doing
when i try to adjust the amount of influence with wieght paint the part where i leave off wieght painting does the same thing
can someone look at my rig and topology and see if it is crap or not
is someone going to help me
I messed with your file a bit. The topology is the major cause of the problem. Also not having hip bones (with that much geometry) leaves a sharply defined border between the leg bone and belly/ribs that crinkles. If it rains this week I’ll work on it some more.
thanks for the help i will try to work on the topology
I started out writing this :
Your mesh unfortunately has a lot of poles where the stomach merges with the pelvis … and I mean a lot … You could fix that after reading this long post on poles : …
But then I began to change a few things in your blend and here are the notes I was making (you don’t have to read this) :
Or (because it looks like you just started weight painting) just clear the armature modifier and unparent your mesh from the armature and fix a few things … like clearing or applying the rotation from your mesh objects and the armature … they have a 90 degree rotation along the X axis … and your armature has an additional 90 degree rotation along the Z axis (you started the creation of the armature in side view for some reason) … so at this point it would be just easier to Ctrl-A and apply the rotation to all your objects … also it would be nice to have the armature object center match the mesh object center but not necessary … and now just parent the mesh to the with Ctrl-P and select “Create from Closest Bones” (the last choice in the prompt) … I tried this and the default weight painting generated works better then the one you had done … not all weight values are 1 (red) … the values and influence BTW are calculated according to the size of influence in envelope mode which you can edit if you want to before parenting (both in edit mode by increasing the tippsize and in Pose Mode by manual input from the Armature Panel in F9 - right next to the bone name field where if says “Dist” for distance)… and the deformations seem to come out ok … or at least better then what you were getting … you’ll just have to clean up errant vertices in Weight Paint Mode … and by the way edit the thigh.l bone’s top tip in envelope mode to match thigh.r … oddly it’s influence is very small already …
And then I realized that after clearing the parenting of the armature / clearing the rotation of the mesh and armature / changing from stick to envelope visualization / editing the envelope influence by 1) scaling either tips or the entire bone and_or 2) by manual input from the Armature Panel in F9 so that the area of influence covered the mesh properly (as well as possible) / then re parenting the armature and selecting “Create from Closest Bones” (the last choice in the prompt) I discovered that the mesh deformed pretty well . So I went to Weight Paint Mode and looked at the weights for the bones and discovered that there was almost no spot in the area of influence on the mesh that was red (total influence - like you have now) … mostly yellows and greens (on the thighs any way and this is because I made the root tip of the thigh bones to something minuscule - about 0.50 and also did this to the root of the upper arm bones also and got good shapes there too) . And this totaly got rid of the deformations on the stomach .
So even though the topology isn’t the greatest you can still tweak it with weight paint/envelopes . And by selecting “Create from Closest Bones” you can get a pretty good distribution of weights on the mesh from the get go . Most of the prep is in the editing of the envelopes . You’ll still have to edit and tweak in Weight Paint Mode, but the bulk of the stuff is done for you .
Also toggle on the “Apply Modifier during Editing Mode” for the armature in the Modifier Stack (make real first) . This way you can Tab between Weight Paint and Edit Modes and fix some of the problems in the topology with a pose applied .
And if you’re interested here is what I came up with with about half an hours work …
Also try and turn on the Transform Properties Window (hotkey N) when you work . It can help you a lot .
thanks for the help the file that that you linked at the bottum says file not found.i got a little confused by what you said but i will try it and then see if i can get it to work thanks again.
Got the link working … sorry forgot to check .
Yeah I get a little too wordy sometimes but basically you just need to edit the armature in envelope view and then re parent the the mesh using the “Create from Closest Bones” option when you do that … Your mesh is pretty dense and not all weights need to be set to red/1 (full influence) for the bone that is in part the cause of the distortions in your mesh … try and look at the reworked file and post some more if you have more questions .
that looks great i will try and learn from that,thanks