deleating an action in multiple files

ok so i am using one character in multiple blender files and i am trying to delete the actions of one file in the other file. i tried the shift f4 then pressing selecting the files you want to delete pressing f saving the file then restarting. the thing is the other file is using the action so it never says 0 when i press the f key. i am assuming that i am going to have delete one of the blend files. help a brotha out…

oh and can you switch objects to different display layers…if you can let me know. thanks


If you’ve appended you need to do the Shft-F4 in both files, if you linked then only in the Library file (except for Prixies).

You can move objects to Layers with M in the 3D window in Object mode or display them on multiple layers with the layer blocks in F7.


ok i just deleted all the other blend files have that action but i still cant get the user count to 0 in the actions i dont want. some actions have 1 user and some have 2 but there is no other blend file that is using them so bummer. any advise.
oh and also my nla editor is swamped with ipo curves that i dont remember setting and i cant get their user level to 0 either so my project is really unorginized…

but thank you for the M layer thing that worked super good