delete material texture datablocks for ever


i do not know how i can delete a datablock from a texture or material for ever instead of the link to an objetc.

i searched the knowledge database but found no answer.

any help?


if you reopen a .blend and a material isn’t assigned to any object, it will be permanently deleted.

thats a wiered delete function :slight_smile:

thankx for the tip!


Still, I noticed Blender saves a lot of hidden datastuff. I’m looking at two completely disconnected entities right now in the Outliner - one texture and one mesh. Just the mesh, it has no object.
How do I get rid of them?

Ok I managed to get rid of everything except the texture node.
The reason the mesh was still there was because it was marked with and “F”, and got saved even though it didn’t have any connections.

But the texture node does not have any connections, and it isn’t “F” marked.
I’ve tried restarting Blender, reassigning it to materials and disconnecting it again, it just won’t go away!!

I really think that the outliner could be a much more powerful tool, not just a project overview, but a project manager. Something where you could delete anything, datablocks,objects, materials or anything else. And it doesn’t seem as if this would be something terribly hard to code, but then again, I know nothing about coding, so I could be wrong.

Got the same pb ! Cant manage the blocks as I want !
With nodes for example, you have to craete a mesh, assign it a texture and a material to get it in render nodes … But still a mesh I dont need !

What I did once was to delete all materials/textures in a blend, saved it, then opened a new blend and Shift F1 to append all the objects from the first. A bit silly, but it did get rid of all the material datablocks.

The data is saved until you close. Opening the same file again, after closing will achieve the same result as new/appending.

Yeah knew that. I did close out before opening a new, now that I remember.