I have some large blender files
with 400 objects and 4 millions verts
if I select let say 50 objects and delete it makes blender very sluggish
almost like each time it delete one object blender has to update all the scene
so it takes a lot of time to do that
is there a script that would allow to delete objects and do one scene update at the end and make it faster may be ?
It’s common to have a scene and need to do large task to many objects. I think so.
What if writing script in this way:
while iterating scene objects:
if texture == "chome": (or if vertex count > 1000 or if object a linked copy or something to isolate an what object is like)
this is only for material
the problem I got was more with objects per say
like deleting 50 objects on 500
and it takes minutes to do it in a large file
I have a medium PC not a big one!
there must be some way to get it done faster I hope
or is there something in 2.8API to help with that may be!
looks to me that each time you delete one object it has to redraw the whole scene which takes time for larger file
times 50 objects that becomes a nightmare LOL