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Nevermind, delete this thread.

Green screened?! Sorry, no… real actors (and most likely bad and cheesy as it often happens in fan projects) simply can’t make it any justice.

A remake of Ocarina of Time as a pure 3D movie is a long time dream for me. Perhaps when I’m much better at Blender. I’m still to learn even basic animation with floating cameras, let alone character rigging. I’m still learning to model, but already paying full attention to edge loops, though…

Ahh CGMaster has some competition.

Looks like youve got more work done than him already though, which ill give you some credit for. But still…

But be prepared for a lot of negativity towards your plans. Things like this very rarely, if not never work out, especially if your young (which im guessing you are).

Plus then theres all the copyright stuff, which will probubly be a showstopper.

Im not to keen on the sound of the green screening either. Youd be better off attempting it all in 3D, i dont think a Zelda movie would ever work with live actors, no matter how much time or money is thrown at it.

Thanks for the negative comments, that really helps!

You may think that real life actors on green screen would look messed up, but its not. Its art. This film will come to life, and it wont be cheesy.

If you don’t want to believe in this film, then I’m sorry to hear that.

Wish I could help out, but I’m not that good with blender yet.

If you think the earlier comments were negative, you are probably in for a shock.

do a storyboard, rather than work on models at this stage. Once you have the storyboard, you’ll know better what you need to model.
Of course, this means you’ll need a story to storyboard. Have you got one, or are you planning on having the actors wing it?

…You didn’t think I had a story board finished? Lol…What I posted there is what I know that is needed for the film.

The script has been written, and it’s 160 (format and everything) pages.

When it’s done, post it so we can compare to the best Zelda fan’s wet dream yet: IGN’s april fool’s day joke. Seriously, it’s a masterpiece and probably the best 1st of april spoof ever! Look for it on youtube if you haven’t yet…

Quite frankly, no. Your original post, now heavilly edited, did not mention anything about a screenplay, storyboards, concept art, etc, etc, just models. It certainly looked like a thousand other wanna-be film makers who jump in into the middle, then fall flat because they have not done the preliminary stuff.

If you were seriously looking for volonteer help with your project, you went about it in the wrong way. There is even a sticky posted about asking for volonteers or project crew, I will make no assumptions as to whether you have read it, but I can say that you don’t seem to be heeding it.

You can’t delete threads. All you can do is stop posting, hope others stop posting, and let it scroll off the front page. Or, you can try to stir up a flame war and get the thread locked. Making incendiary posts about Dragons, socialism and fundamentalist christianity, preferrable all mixed together, might do the trick.

160 pages sounds long. You may have some unnecessary exposition or side plots that need to be cut. 110 pages would be a good goal to shoot for.

Yeh that was good, but had many flaws. My film will look just as good, only better.

Bulby: Have you ever made a film before? And if so, how did it do?
From what i’ve come to discover, you absolutely CANNOT make a feature-length film as your first movie. It’s impossible. I suggest that you start off making very small films. Maybe around 10 seconds long. Then work your way up to 30 sec long, then 2 min long, then 10 min long and so on. You have to gain experience before you can start making a dream happen, (in your case, a feature-length film).
I tried this very same thing. I was going to make a Zelda movie. I had about 10 people helping me. I had the whole script and storyboard finished. I even wrote Nintendo to try to gain movie making rights and privaleges. However, they declined my request.
Before you ever start making a movie, you have to ask yourself a few questions…

  1. What is my budget? Who is going to sponsor me? How am i going to get the money to pay for the making of this movie.
  2. (in your case) How am I going to get the rights to make this movie?
  3. What is my schedule plan going to be?
  4. Who and where am I going to get other people to help me? Compositors, animators, ers, riggers, lighters, writers, scripters, programmers, cameramen. I could go on forever. (just look at the credits for other feature-length movies :eek:)
  5. How am I going to publish my movie?

I could go into a ton of other questions but i’ll stop now :). Send me pm if you want more.

Ad-Edge: If you look on about the 100th page of works in progress, you might find my old Zelda thread. We stopped a long time ago because we came to realize the things which i just stated to Bulby. So, no, we don’t have any competition :D.

Everyone: a live/cgi Zelda movie IS possible. If you want it to look good, then you have to stay true to it. For instance, you CAN NOT have actors for Link, Zelda, Saria etc. (sorry B&B Finishes). Link, Zelda and Saria must all be young teenagers. And Link and Zelda have to have blond hair. Saria must have green :D.
I could go on, but i think i’ve made my point. A Zelda movie could very well be made if you have the right director, the right actors, the right visual effects company (preferably Weta Digital, or Industrial Lights and Magic), a good budget, and if you stay true to the games.

Hope all of this helps.

CGI Master