Deleting all data

How can I delete all the data that is attached to a model, There is some data on my object and I cant get rid of it , im not sure if its material data or something else?

If you open the Outliner window you’ll see what data is linked to the Object. Basically you hit the X on the Datablock in Buttons window or window headers (IPO Action and NLA windows) so they show a zero in front of the data name, then save and reopen and those blocks will be dropped. For Actions hit Shft-F4 (and click the double dot at top to get to Libraries), select Action lib, RMB-select all blocks with an F(ake user), Type F, close window and save and reopen.


Thanks alot fligh, I was getting all kinds of trouble from the packing system in the latest dev release, but that fixed the problem.