deleting strips in NLA screws actions up?

I have a bunch of action strips set up in NLA window.
if I select some and delete them, the actions then turn in to useless.
if I open one of those actions in action window, in the pulldown menu there is “-1” before the name, and when it’s opened into the editor, datablock name background becomes red.
I can still use them, and even place them back to NLA, but if I save, and leave blender, restart blender, all of the actions are lost.

what happens?
am I doing something wrong?
looks like they loose their parents, become orphans, but how can I fix that?

the funny thing is, I can have, say 10 of the same actions in NLA set up, if I delete 6 of those. the rest 4 will work still but are too orphans, so if I save, exit, restart blender and load the scene, those actions will be gone too…


hi basse

i have problem with actions too!
i only need to delete some keys in the action editor and
some of IPOS belonging to totaly differnt bones get screwed.
when i was removing the arms chanels the head was doing
a mad cow afterwards.

there has do be a bug in the removing / deleting data code ???

dangeling pointers again he ?

perhaps we should tell someone ?
edit -> is in 2.28 and 2.3

I haven’t noticed this, but if it’s reproducible, it’s a serious bug. Please head on over to the Bug Tracker on and report this problem ASAP!

It has been fixed in the current CVS version.


forgot to check this thread :slight_smile: yep, I ran into Hos in chat, and he fixed it. thanks Hos!, and … well you too guys… :slight_smile:
