I know questions like this have been asked before, but non of them helped me in exactly what I wanted to do.
I am faced with the insanely complex task of… removing all materials in my scene. I have one material and it’s linked to a bunch (like 30) random objects (don’t ask how) and I’d like to unlink it from those objects so that material goes away (it kind of makes me sick to delete materials you have to actually restart the program). I don’t know how to unlink stuff in the OOPS schmeatic. Clicking the unlink button in the “links to object” only yields in unlinking the last selected object and not your entire selection.
Blender’s great but it seems the programs basic material management system is rocket science.
I’d like to know now and forever how to do this without going through and unlinking every object one by one. I would be ever so grateful for your guys’ help on this.