Deleting unwanted image textures

I have a texture mess. I was using massive files (downloaded from Mayang’s free textures) as image textures for my BGE project, but it made it crash. So I cropped all the images down to 64x64. Now, I can’t seem to update all the textures. I had packed it, but now I unpacked it, and I it still won’t reload. I have about 10 images textures, and each one could choose 10 images. It seems like I have to go through each image on each texture to fix the problem. Can I just delete all of them and start over?


.blend file:

yes, tex have to be small for your video card. You can delete (deassign) the textures so they are not used, save, and the re-open. Blender does not re-open or re-create any unused materials or textures, for this very reason.